Pure Chanderi Silk Sarees- Weavers in Chanderi weave air, it is said so! Light as air, sheer texture with seductive transparency that adds grace. This is one such saree!
Double Cloth Saree. ********************** The Double Cloth Sarees - The Masterpiece from Bengal. The intricate design and the creativity and innovation behind this weave leaves you mesmerised. The weaver is a National award winner for double cloth saree. It is a must have saree to treasure in your trunk.
Double Cloth Saree. ********************** The Double Cloth Sarees - The Masterpiece from Bengal. The intricate design and the creativity and innovation behind this weave leaves you mesmerised. The weaver is a National award winner for double cloth saree. It is a must have saree to treasure in your trunk.
Double Cloth Saree. ********************** The Double Cloth Sarees - The Masterpiece from Bengal. The intricate design and the creativity and innovation behind this weave leaves you mesmerised. The weaver is a National award winner for double cloth saree. It is a must have saree to treasure in your trunk.